Table of Contents

Class TransformExtensions


Contains useful extensions for Select.

[Version(1, 0, 0)]
public static class TransformExtensions
Inherited Members



Sets all scale values to the absolute values.


Negates the X scale.


Negates the X and Y scale.


Negates the X, Y and Z scale.


Negates the X and Z scale.


Negates the Y scale.


Negates the Y and Z scale.


Negates the Z scale.


Resets the position, rotation, and local scale.


Resets the ;local position, local rotation, and local scale.


Sets the local position to 0, 0, 0.


Resets the local rotation to 0, 0, 0.


Sets the position to 0, 0, 0.


Resets the rotation to 0, 0, 0.


Resets the local scale of this transform in to 1 1 1.

RotateAroundX(Transform, float)

Rotates the transform around the X axis.

RotateAroundY(Transform, float)

Rotates the transform around the Y axis.

RotateAroundZ(Transform, float)

Rotates the transform around the Z axis.

ScaleByX(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the X direction.

ScaleByXY(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the X and Y directions.

ScaleByXY(Transform, float, float)

Scale this transform in the X, Y direction.

ScaleByXYZ(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the X, Y and Z directions.

ScaleByXYZ(Transform, float, float, float)

Scale this transform in the X, Y and Z directions.

ScaleByXZ(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the X and Z directions.

ScaleByXZ(Transform, float, float)

Scale this transform in the X, Z directions.

ScaleByY(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the Y direction.

ScaleByYZ(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the Y and Z directions.

ScaleByYZ(Transform, float, float)

Scale this transform in the Y and Z directions.

ScaleByZ(Transform, float)

Scale this transform in the Z direction.


A lazy enumerable of this objects transform, and all it's children down the hierarchy.

SetLocalRotationX(Transform, float)

Sets the local X rotation.

SetLocalRotationY(Transform, float)

Sets the local Y rotation.

SetLocalRotationZ(Transform, float)

Sets the local Z rotation.

SetLocalX(Transform, float)

Sets the local X position of this transform.

SetLocalXY(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local X and Y position of this transform.

SetLocalXYZ(Transform, float, float, float)

Sets the local X, Y and Z position of this transform.

SetLocalXZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local X and Z position of this transform.

SetLocalY(Transform, float)

Sets the local Y position of this transform.

SetLocalYZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local Y and Z position of this transform.

SetLocalZ(Transform, float)

Sets the local Z position of this transform.

SetRotationX(Transform, float)

Sets the X rotation.

SetRotationY(Transform, float)

Sets the Y rotation.

SetRotationZ(Transform, float)

Sets the Z rotation.

SetScaleX(Transform, float)

Sets the local X scale of this transform.

SetScaleXY(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local X and Y scale of this transform.

SetScaleXYZ(Transform, float, float, float)

Sets the local X, Y and Z scale of this transform.

SetScaleXZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local X and Z scale of this transform.

SetScaleY(Transform, float)

Sets the local Y scale of this transform.

SetScaleYZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the local Y and Z scale of this transform.

SetScaleZ(Transform, float)

Sets the local Z scale of this transform.

SetX(Transform, float)

Sets the X position of this transform.

SetXY(Transform, float, float)

Sets the X and Y position of this transform.

SetXYZ(Transform, float, float, float)

Sets the X, Y and Z position of this transform.

SetXZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the X and Z position of this transform.

SetY(Transform, float)

Sets the Y position of this transform.

SetYZ(Transform, float, float)

Sets the Y and Z position of this transform.

SetZ(Transform, float)

Sets the Z position of this transform.

Sort(Transform, Func<Transform, IComparable>)
TranslateX(Transform, float)

Translates this transform along the X axis.

TranslateXY(Transform, float, float)

Translates this transform along the X and Y axes.

TranslateXYZ(Transform, float, float, float)

Translates this transform along the X, Y and Z axis.

TranslateXZ(Transform, float, float)

Translates this transform along the X and Z axes.

TranslateY(Transform, float)

Translates this transform along the Y axis.

TranslateYZ(Transform, float, float)

Translates this transform along the Y and Z axes.

TranslateZ(Transform, float)

Translates this transform along the Z axis.