Namespace Gamelogic.Extensions
This namespace contains classes that are meant to extend Unity in basic ways to make it easier to program games.
- Clock
Represents a clock that expires after a given time.
- ColorExtensions
Provides some utility functions for Colors.
- ColorList
of typeColor
- ColorPopupAttribute
An attribute used to mark a color field that should be drawn as a popup list in the Unity editor.
- CommentAttribute
Used to mark a field to add a comment above the field in the inspector.
- DiskCache<TKey, TValue>
A cache maintained on disk.
- DummyAttribute
Used to mark the last field in a MonoBehaviour as a dummy so that it is not drawn. This is useful to add a decorator that should be displayed below all fields.
- FixedSizeMemoryCache<TKey, TValue>
A cache maintained in memory that stays fixed in size.
- FloatList
of typefloat
- FpsCounter
Component for displaying the median frame time, maximum frame time, and frame rate.
- GLDebug
Class that contains methods useful for debugging. All methods are only compiled if the DEBUG symbol is defined.
- GLMathf
Methods for additional math functions.
- GLMonoBehaviour
Provides some additional functions for MonoBehaviour.
- GLPlayerPrefs
An alternative to PlayerPrefs that provides methods for setting bool and array preferences.
- GLRandom
Some convenience functions for random bools and integers.
- GameObjectExtensions
Provides useful extension methods for GameObjects.
- Geometry
Provides utility methods for doing geometry.
- HashPool<T>
A light-weight pool class for objects that can be hashed.
- HighlightAttribute
Mark simple types to be highligted in the inspector.
- ImageExtensions
Provides extension methods for Unity's Image class.
- ImplementationFactory<TBase>
A factory class for creating instances of types derived from
- ImplementationFactory<T1, TBase>
A factory class for creating instances of types derived from
- ImplementationFactory<T1, T2, TBase>
A factory class for creating instances of types derived from
- ImplementationFactory<T1, T2, T3, TBase>
A factory class for creating instances of types derived from
- ImplementationFactory<T1, T2, T3, T4, TBase>
A factory class for creating instances of types derived from
- InspectorButtonAttribute
Gamelogic.Extensions.Editor.Internal.GLEditor`1.DrawInspectorButtons draws a button for each method marked with this attribute. This is also used by GLMonoBehaviourEditor.
- InspectorFlagsAttribute
Mark fields that should be displayed as bit field mask in the inspector
- InspectorList
The base class for the generic InspectorList. This class exists so that a single property drawer can be used for all subclasses.
- InspectorList<T>
Exactly the same as generic
, but has a custom property drawer that draws a re-orderable list in the inspector.
- IntList
of typeint
- IntPopupAttribute
An attribute used to mark an int field that should be drawn as a popup list in the Unity editor.
- LabelFieldAttribute
Specifies a field to use as label for an item in the inspector. This is especially useful for arrays of compound types.
- LayerPopupAttribute
An attribute used to mark a string field that should be drawn as a popup list of layers in the Unity editor.
- LayeredCache<TKey, TValue>
Represents a cache made out of two layers: a fast primary cache and a slow secondary cache. Things requested that are in the slow cache gets moved to the fast cache, and the oldest item in the fast cache moves to the slow cache.
New things are always added to the primary cache. The oldest item is moved to the slow cache if the primary cache is full.
- LifeCycleEventExtensions
Provides extension methods for LifeCycleEvent.
- MinMaxFloat
Class for representing a bounded range.
- MinMaxInt
Class for representing a bounded range.
- MinMaxRangeAttribute
Use this attribute to specify the range for a MinMaxFloat field, property, parameter or return value.
- MonoBehaviourExtensions
Provides useful extension methods for MonoBehaviours.
- MonoBehaviourList
of typeMonoBehaviour
- MonoBehaviourPool<T>
A pool suitable for MonoBehaviour objects that can be instantiated from a given prefab.
- NonNegativeAttribute
Mark numeric values that should always be non-negative.
- NotImplementedByException
A version of NotImplementedException that takes the throwing type as argument. This is useful in class hierarchies where methods are meant to be overridden by derived types but cannot be made abstract (for example, because of Unity limitations). The exception, when thrown, indicates which class should have implemented the method, but hasn't.
- ObjectList
of typeObject
- ObservedValue<T>
Wrapper that can raise an event when a value changes.
- Optional
The base class of the generic Optional class.
- OptionalFloat
Represents an optional float value.
- OptionalGameObject
Represents an optional GameObject.
- OptionalInt
Represents an optional int value.
- OptionalMonoBehaviour
Represents an optional MonoBehaviour.
- OptionalString
Represents an optional string value.
- OptionalVector2
Represents an optional Vector2 value.
- OptionalVector3
Represents an optional Vector3 value.
- Optional<T>
Useful for displaying optional values in the inspector.
- Pool<T>
A light-weight pool class for objects that cannot be hashed.
- PopupListAttribute
The base class for all popup list attributes.
- PopupListData
Data used to draw a popup list.
- PopupListData<T>
Data used to draw a popup list of a specific type.
- PositiveAttribute
Mark fields that should always be positive with this attribute.
- PropertyDrawerData
Contains static variables and methods that are used by the property drawers.
- PushdownAutomaton<TLabel>
This class is a state machine that has the ability to remember previous states and transition back to them (FIFO).
- ReadOnlyAttribute
Used to mark inspectable fields as read-only (that is, making them uneditable, even if they are visible).
- ResourceNotFoundException
Thrown when trying to load a resource (using Load(string) and variants) but the resource is not found.
- ScreenshotTaker
Provides a generic implementation of a singleton-like pattern for MonoBehaviour classes. This class automatically searches for an existing instance in the scene or logs an error if none or more than one are found.
- Singleton
Provides support for Singleton<T>.
- Singleton<T>
Provides a generic implementation of a singleton-like pattern for MonoBehaviour classes. This class automatically searches for an existing instance in the scene or logs an error if none or more than one are found.
- StateMachine<TLabel>
A lightweight state machine.
- StateTracker<TStateData>
Tracks a number of states. Events are raised when any state is started, and when all has stopped.
- StringList
of typestring
- StringPopupAttribute
Used to mark a string field that should be drawn as a popup list.
- TagPopupAttribute
An attribute used to mark a string field that should be drawn as a popup list of tags in the Unity editor.
- ThrowHelper
Class that provides helper methods for throwing exceptions.
- TimedStateTracker<TStateData>
The same as StateTracker, but states can also time out.
- TransformExtensions
Contains useful extensions for Select.
- TypeArgumentException
Thrown when a method is called with illegal type parameters, or a class is constructed with illegal type parameters.
- UnsafePool<T>
An unsafe pool class that is used for benchmarking.
- ValidateMatchRegularExpressionAttribute
Marks a string field to indicate it should match a regular expression.
- ValidateNotEmptyAttribute
Marks a string field that should not be empty.
- ValidateNotNegativeAttribute
Attribute used to mark fields that should not be negative.
- ValidateNotNullAttribute
Attribute used to mark fields that should not be null.
- ValidateNotWhiteSpaceOrEmpty
Marks a string field that should not be empty or whitespace.
- ValidatePositiveAttribute
Attribute used to mark fields that should be positive.
- ValidateRangeAttribute
Attribute used to mark fields that should have a specific range.
- ValidationAttribute
The base class for properties that can be validated.
- ValueSnapshot<T>
Represents a snapshot of a value, capturing its current and previous states.
- Vector2List
of typeVector2
- Vector3List
of typeVector3
- Vector4List
of typeVector4
- VectorExtensions
Contains useful extension methods for vectors.
- WarningIfNullAttribute
Mark fields in a MonoBehaviour with this attribute to give a specific warning when the field is not set.
- ICache<TKey, TValue>
A data structure that can be used as a cache.
- IPool<T>
Represents a pool of objects, with the idea to reuse objects instead of creating and destroying them.
- IRandom
Represents a random generator.
- IStateToken<TStateData>
When a new state is started in a tracker, a token is created that wraps custom data, and can be used to stop the state later.
- LifeCycleEvent
Flags for Unity lifecycle events.
- Singleton.FindResult
The result of the search for an instance of the singleton.
- ValuesRetrievalMethod
How the values for the popup list should be retrieved.