Table of Contents

Class VectorExtensions


Contains useful extension methods for vectors.

[Version(1, 0, 0)]
public static class VectorExtensions
Inherited Members


Dot(Vector2, Vector2)

Equivalent to Vector2.Dot(v1, v2).

Dot(Vector3, Vector3)

Equivalent to Vector3.Dot(v1, v2).

Dot(Vector4, Vector4)

Equivalent to Vector4.Dot(v1, v2).

HadamardDiv(Vector2, Vector2)

Divides one vector component by another.

HadamardDiv(Vector3, Vector3)

Divides one vector component by another.

HadamardDiv(Vector4, Vector4)

Divides one vector component by another.

HadamardMod(Vector2, Vector2)

Multiplies component by component.

HadamardMod(Vector3, Vector3)

Multiplies component by component.

HadamardMod(Vector4, Vector4)

Multiplies component by component.

HadamardMul(Vector2, Vector2)

Multiplies one vector componentwise by another.

HadamardMul(Vector3, Vector3)

Multiplies one vector component by another.

HadamardMul(Vector4, Vector4)

Multiplies one vector component by another.


Returns the vector rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise.

PerpDot(Vector2, Vector2)

Equivalent to Vector2.Dot(v1.Perp(), v2).


Turns the vector 90 degrees anticlockwise as viewed from the front (keeping the z coordinate intact). Equivalent to


Turns the vector 90 degrees anticlockwise as viewed from the top (keeping the y coordinate intact). Equivalent to

Proj(Vector2, Vector2)

Returns the projection of this vector onto the given base.

Proj(Vector3, Vector3)

Returns the projection of this vector onto the given base.

Proj(Vector4, Vector4)

Returns the projection of this vector onto the given base.


Reflects the vector about x-axis.


Reflects the vector about y-axis.

Rej(Vector2, Vector2)

Returns the rejection of this vector onto the given base.

Rej(Vector3, Vector3)

Returns the rejection of this vector onto the given base.

Rej(Vector4, Vector4)

Returns the rejection of this vector onto the given base. The sum of a vector's projection and rejection on a base is equal to the original vector.

Rotate(Vector2, float)

Rotates a vector by a given angle.


Rotates a vector by 180 degrees.


Rotates a vector by 270 degrees.


Rotates a vector by 90 degrees.

RotateAround(Vector2, float, Vector2)

Rotates a vector by a given angle around a given point.


Converts a 3D vector to a 2D vector taking the x and y coordinates.


Converts a 3D vector to a 2D vector taking the x and z coordinates.


Converts a 3D vector to a 2D vector taking the y and z coordinates.


Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the x and y coordinates, and 0 for the z coordinate.

To3DXY(Vector2, float)

Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the x and y coordinates, and the given value for the z coordinate.


Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the x and z coordinates, and 0 for the y coordinate.

To3DXZ(Vector2, float)

Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the x and z coordinates, and the given value for the y coordinate.


Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the y and z coordinates, and 0 for the x coordinate.

To3DYZ(Vector2, float)

Converts a 2D vector to a 3D vector using the vector for the y and z coordinates, and the given value for the x coordinate.

WithIncX(Vector2, float)

Returns a copy of the vector with the x-coordinate incremented with the given value.

WithIncX(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of the vector with the x-coordinate incremented with the given value.

WithIncY(Vector2, float)

Returns a copy of the vector with the y-coordinate incremented with the given value.

WithIncY(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of the vector with the y-coordinate incremented with the given value.

WithIncZ(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of the vector with the z-coordinate incremented with the given value.

WithX(Vector2, float)

Returns a copy of this vector with the given x-coordinate.

WithX(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of this vector with the given x-coordinate.

WithY(Vector2, float)

Returns a copy of this vector with the given y-coordinate.

WithY(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of this vector with the given y-coordinate.

WithZ(Vector3, float)

Returns a copy of this vector with the given z-coordinate.


Creates a new vector by permuting the given vector's coordinates in the order XZY.


Swaps the x and y coordinates of the vector.


Creates a new vector by permuting the given vector's coordinates in the order YXZ.


Creates a new vector by permuting the given vector's coordinates in the order YZX.


Creates a new vector by permuting the given vector's coordinates in the order ZXY.


Creates a new vector by permuting the given vector's coordinates in the order ZYX.